Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Comments to The Brain in Love and Lust

Opening of article

In a study published in 2002, anthropologist Helen Fisher PhD of Rutgers University and a multi-disciplinary team of experts recruited 40 young people madly in love - half with love returned, the other half with love rejected - and put them into an MRI with a photo of their sweetheart and one of an acquaintance. ...

Return to article


  1. Enjoyed the article. I included a link in my post referencing your site about the effects of dopamine. Learned a lot. You can view it at http://www.8chocolate.com/2009/02/14/chocolate-and-valentines-are-a-good-marriage/

  2. i am reading this article almost daily to keep my sanity!
    thank you!

  3. Thanks for the great information! I watched Oprah a few weeks back and they had experts on saying that partly due to the internet and greater privacy, one third of all pornogragphy is now purchsed and viewed by women. Thought you may want to update your information. Thanks.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great article! I was dumbfounded at some of your findings. This article really helps a lot; especially people in love.

  6. I was dumped yesterday.
    The love of my life thinks I'm not hers. But I need to be ok for me and for her, even if she doesnt love me.
    Now I know that my problem is with my high dopamine and norepinephrine levels and also low serotonin.
    That helps.
    I keep reading and trying to have a peace of mindd.
    Thanks for the info.
